Dental blue band handpiece
The turbine is controlled by compressed air at around 35 pounds for every square inch which passes through the centre of the instrument and rotates a windmill in the head of the handpiece. The core of the windmill (chuck) is encased in a bearing housing, where a friction-grip burr is held firmly & centrally within the instrument. Inside the bearing housing are small, lubricated ball-bearings (stainless steel or ceramic) which allow the burr to rotate smoothly along a central axis with minimal friction.
The power delivered heats it up inside the burr. It is along these lines important for dental blue band handpiece to have a powerful water-cooling system. Numerous cutting edge dental blue band handpiece have a light close to the burr. The light is aimed at the contact surface as to help with vision. Also, dental blue band handpiece use LED lights. Advantages of LEDs incorporate a longer working life, increasingly exceptional light and negligible heat loss.